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HomeNewsHoliday safety tips from the Clarksville Police Department

Holiday safety tips from the Clarksville Police Department

The holiday season is upon us. It is a time for mirth and merriment, but unfortunately, it is also offers many opportunities for criminal activities. The Clarksville Police Department would like to provide some safety tips for the holiday season, whether you’re at home or out and about.

christmas-gift-bagsAWARENESS, AWARENESS, AWARENESS! Know what is going on around you.

Dress casually and comfortably. Pay special attention to your wallets and purses. Keep the wallet in your front pant or jacket pocket. Purses should be kept close to your body and not dangling by the straps. Do not leave your purses unattended at any time. Also, try to avoid hanging purses on hooks or door handles in the restrooms.

Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Use credit cards and checks whenever possible. Make sure only one credit slip is printed with your charge card and, carbons if used, are returned. Also, since many stores use electronic withdrawal for checks, safeguard the returned check since there is valuable data on it.


Park in well-lit areas near entrances. Place previously purchased bags and packages in the trunk or out of sight. Visually scan the area around you before exiting the vehicle and as you head toward the entrance. When returning to the vehicle, have your keys in hand, look inside the vehicle before entering, lock the doors once inside, and then leave.

If you return to your vehicle to drop off packages and plan on returning to the store, it might be a good idea to move your vehicle to another location in the parking lot.

Shop with someone else. There is safety in numbers.

Be aware of possible holiday scammers that go door-to-door pretending to collect for charitable organizations, but in reality, are collecting money for themselves. Ask the person for identification and the manner the money will be used. An alternative is to donate to an organization known to you.

Place additional emphasis on home security. Keep doors and windows locked. Turn security alarms on; they don’t do any good turned off.

If out for the evening or traveling, make every effort to create an appearance that someone is home– leave lights, TV, or radio on. You can also utilize timers to activate electronic equipment when you’re away.

Holiday travelers should ensure mail and paper deliveries are halted. Also, if possible, have a friend or neighbor periodically park in your driveway to foster the appearance of activity around the house.

Presents should not be readily visible to a passerby.

Holidays are also a good time to update or create a home inventory. It is also a good idea to photo and video items.


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