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HomeCommentaryThe Life of a Life Coach

The Life of a Life Coach

Jenni Lee Shelton
Jenni Lee Shelton

Hello, friends! My name is Jenni Lee Shelton, and I may not be what you’re expecting.

You may drop your expectations here. If for whatever reasons you feel uncomfortable leaving your expectations unattended, then I encourage you to also expect miracles (shout outs to Gabrielle Bernstein and Joe Vitale.)

I am new at blogging, and newness is something I don’t think we should fear. I also have a new career as a life coach that is really inspiring me to dive deeper into my passions. Please feel free to embrace my process alongside me, as I reveal more about who I am and what I’m all about.

Ok… so exactly why are you starting this blog, and why am I reading it?

Great! I love that you’re curious/still reading. I’m creating this space as a way to share my perspective, my truths. In doing so, I’ll be engaging my passion for people and our people things, while hopefully channeling empowering messages that inspire greater love.

In other words, this blog is a means for making the most of my own process and experiences. You will get some laughs here and there at my expense, enjoy some yummy food for thought, and learn how to implement many of the tools that I use in everyday life with both clients and myself. Yes, it’s a chance for you to go inside the life of a life coach. Your arm is twisted, no?

You may have already noticed that I am an external processor. Blogging is a great way for me to organize all the stimulating thoughts that life inspires. Typically by the time I get to the end of my writing, I understand what I was trying to say all along. Keep that in mind.

So great, you like to think out loud and I’m getting some eccentric guru-ish vibes. What else should I know about you?

I’m glad you asked. I believe that we are each our own guru. As a matter of fact, this inner guru is what I help my clients reconnect with. Your inner guru is what this blog will hopefully help you more fully connect to! Now that’s empowerment, baby! Let’s continue…

While I don’t love restrictive labels, I do love concepts that enable me to understand more about why we each roll the way we roll. Having said that…

I’ve been around the sun 28 times. I have my sun and moon in Aquarius and my ascendant in Gemini. If that means nothing to you, then no worries. Astrology is one of the many tools I enjoy using as a means of finding even more ways to appreciate each and every one of us for what we individually contribute to the whole. Anyway, if you do understand a little about astral energies, then you likely have a head start in accepting my erraticism. Either way, expect me to drop a line on a planetary aspect from time to time. It’s always relevant in my world.

According to the Myers-Briggs personality types, which are based off the work of the brilliant Carl Jung, I am an ENFP- meaning I experience the world through means of extraversion, intuition, feeling, and perception. Each and every one of us experiences the world through our own unique dispositions, and my natural disposition is to be curiously and authentically driven by relationships, feelings, and our connection to the bigger picture. I thrive within abstract spaces. I am fiercely independent. I have been known to rebel with a cause. I pursue my idealistic visions without concern for upsetting the status quo. I am also quite intuitive and more than happy to assist others in trusting and developing their own intuition.

Yes, I am full of dynamic energy in case one or two of you have picked up on my paradoxical characteristics. While I’m certainly cerebral and love to analyze to the point of no return, I am also heart-centered and tend to acknowledge my feelings and intuitive hits as readily as my intellect. Head and heart unite!

Now onto the more concrete pieces of my life :)

My daughter Josie and husband Brandon.

I have a husband named Brandon. We have a four-year-old daughter named Josie. The three of us live in downtown Nashville, where we live and play almost as normally as the next normal person. (Yes, you were right to inject the sarcasm into that last sentence. We’re all over that terribly misconceived word “normal”, right?) We’re super real people, y’all. We have fun. We experience mishaps. We encounter our own disasters. We celebrate the small things. We really celebrate the big things, which are sometimes the small things. We love one another unconditionally (more or less depending on the day) and generally appreciate one another for our differences in opinions and personalities.

We also have lots of friends and family involved in our daily lives, and there’s always new faces. I’ll be sharing plenty of personal stories regarding these amazing people that are so kind and gracious as to teach me so much about myself.

I graduated from The University of Alabama in 2012, with a baby and a husband (in no particular order), and degrees in  psychology and human development. Skipping all the good parts and focusing on the bones… between graduation and this  past August, I was a stay at home mom (or SAHM, as I quickly learned after googling “How do stay at home moms stop  themselves from destroying their children?”). I’m happy to report that Josie is now enrolled in a Montessori program and I’m thriving as a self-employed entrepreneur. I’m going to speak very openly throughout my blog in regards to how I got to where I am, so just consider these fun facts in the meantime.

Moving right along
Moving right along

Moving right along…

I’m currently finishing up the last of my requirements to be a Certified Professional Coach. I am a student at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), where I also recently earned my ELI-MP. This is a fancy way of saying I’m an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, meaning I’m qualified to administer an assessment that measures my client’s energy across 7 levels. From there, we get a big picture view of their energetic makeup, which essentially illuminates what’s below the surface hindering my client’s growth.

Oh how love discussing big picture perspectives.

Letting our free spirits fly
Letting our free spirits fly

-I will refer to these 7 levels of energy from time to time in these posts, so I challenge you to stay curious if you’re currently confused. According to the people that love me on the reg, most of what I say eventually makes sense.

If you say so. Anything else you want to ramble about while I’m still lingering?

I have a story, just like you, and my current chapter is about living authentically and unapologetically. I dare you to do the same.

I love people. I love questions. I love feedback. Tell me what’s coming up for you as you read my posts. Don’t be a stranger! Reach out in the comments below if you would like. Long live the community spirit!

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Jenni Lee Shelton
Jenni Lee Sheltonhttp://www.jennileeshelton.com
Jenni Lee Shelton is a mother, wife, life coach, and lover of the human race.  She has a BA in psychology from the University of Alabama, where she fell in love with research and all things related to peer relations.  Jenni and her husband Brandon, along with their daughter Josie, moved to Nashville in 2013.  Jenni Lee is a certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) and life coach. She currently attends the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).

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