Youth In Action: Know Your Rights, Make Some Change is the topic of the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee’s fourth-annual Students’ Rights Conference, which will take place Saturday, March 8, at the Nashville Public Library’s Main Branch at 615 Church Street. This event, designed for Tennessee’s public and private high school students, runs from 10 am – 4 pm with registration at 9:30 am.
The conference will focus on young people’s rights, both in school and in the community. Topics include freedom of speech and expression, discipline, dress code, youth violence, LGBT rights, and drug testing. Special sessions will focus on what to do when stopped by the police and Activism 101 (the tools needed for making change), Freedom of Expression (including student rights related to speech, press, dress, and the Internet), and Street Law (including student rights and responsibilities related to police and the courts, racial profiling and police/community relations).
Conference participants include Attorney and First Amendment Center Scholar David Hudson, Metro Nashville Police Chief Ronal Serpas, Referee Sheila Calloway of the Metro Nashville Juvenile Court, and youth activist Lindsay Earls, a plaintiff in the 2002 Earls v. Board of Education Supreme Court case that challenged random drug testing of high school students participating in extra-curricular activities.
This event is free and includes lunch and a snack will be provide. Participants need to pre-register by Feb. 29th by filling out and sending in the registration form from our website, or through Facebook (search “ACLU Students Rights Conference”).
For further information, call Hedy Weinberg, Executive Director ACLU-TN at 615-320-7142.