The Clarksville for Obama campaign team officially launched its MySpace page website to allow national and local supports of presidential candidate Barack Obama to receive daily news reports, event information and updates on his campaign for the White House.
Recently the Clarksville for Obama steering committee held a rally to introduce itself to the community and let area supporters know that we must continue this momentum of registering people and bring more awareness to the agenda issues that Senator Obama is campaign on.
Clarksville for Obama senior press adviser Terry McMoore opened that rally, emphasizing the importance of ongoing voter registration drives and campaign rallies even though Tennessee and many other primaries have passed. McMoore stressed that “we should not just go home and watch TV and wait to see who gets the Democratic nomination and risk losing the momentum that the Obama campaign currently enjoys.
“If you believe in Senator Obama, then you must continue to campaign up until the national election in November and all the way to the swearing in at the White House.” McMoore said.McMoore went on to introduce Mr. Credo Amouzouvik(on the left), the local campaign manager for Barack Obama, who introduced the remaining steering committee members in attendence: Bernice Benbow, Secretary; Freda O’Neal, Assistant Treasurer; and Donald O’Neal, Street Team Coordinator. Amouzouvik elaborated on several platform ideals on which Obama is campaigning:
- Americans should not have to work two jobs and still be broke.
- America is the only industrialized country in the world where citizens do not have access to health insurance and the opportunity to attend college. Senator Obama’s health and education plans will provide affordable health care to all who want it, and up to $4,000 for college for all Americans who want to full fill their American dream.
There are many ways to help in the Obama campaign: be a block captain, an area organizers, make phone calls, assist in fundraising, participate in street teams, and “meet and greets”, and travel to other states to assist in their primaries.
McMoore announced a March 1 Rally and Voter Registration Drive to be held at the African American Cultural Center on the campus of Austin Peay State University from 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m. Guest speakers include Bob Turk, former State Democratic Party Chairman and now current Nashville Champaign Manager for Barack Obama, United States Congressman Jim Cooper, and local and statewide union and elected officials.
As we gathered together to take our first Clarksville for Obama campaign supporters photo the shouts and cheers of “YES WE CAN” the official campaign motto of the Barack Obama 2008 presidential campaign could be heard throughout the room.
For more information or to join the local Obama campaign, go to
Clarksville for Obama Rally
“America is the only industrialized country in the world where citizens do not have access to health insurance and the opportunity to attend college. Senator Obama’s health and education plans will provide free health care to all who want it, and up to $4,000 for college for all Americans who want to full fill their American dream.”
Everyone has “access” to health insurance and everyone has the “opportunity” to attend college. There’s no such thing as “free” health care. For the government to provide, it first must “take”. The Robin Hood mentality of stealing from the rich to give to the poor may seem noble at first glance, but its still stealing. Mandatory contributions to public welfare is not what capitalism is based upon, nor is it wise.