Clarksville, TN – Weather predictions for the next several nights indicate that the temperature will be below freezing. In anticipation of the impending frigid temperatures, the City of Clarksville is making plans to assist the homeless in finding shelter.
“As we’ve discussed over the past couple of months, we are in constant communication with our community partners who provide assistance to the homeless in our community,” said Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan.
“As of now, it appears that there is a sufficient number of beds to accommodate anyone who may need emergency shelter through the provisions made by those partners, including Buffalo Valley, the Salvation Army Shelter, and through the Room in the Inn program at local churches which is administered through the Community Action Agency,” stated Mayor McMillan. “In fact, anyone who requests assistance through these agencies and completes the proper intake procedures will not be turned away.”Mayor McMillan and the City’s Office of Housing and Community Development have continued to monitor the availability of options in Clarksville to assist people who need to get out of the elements, especially during the nighttime hours.
“The last time we experienced extreme cold, beds were available every night through these organizations. As we’ve said before, our community partners provide services in addition to a warm place to stay,” said Mayor McMillan. We encourage anyone, especially the homeless, who needs assistance to contact these organizations.”
At this time, it does not appear that the City will need to open an additional emergency shelter at the Burt-Cobb Community Center. All of the City of Clarksville Departments involved in opening the shelter, however, are on alert.
“I’ve instructed our team to be ready if we are advised by our partners that a shortage of beds is likely. Clarksville Parks and Recreation staff is ready to open the Burt-Cobb Community Center if necessary,” said Mayor McMillan. “If additional shelter is needed, we will work in conjunction with Manna Café to open the Center immediately.” If additional shelter is needed and the City opens the Burt-Cobb Community Center, proper identification will be required to enter and everyone accessing the shelter must complete appropriate intake documentation.
“I have also asked the Clarksville Police Department to assist again by making sure that anyone they see who may need assistance knows where to find it,” Mayor McMillan said. “And I have asked Clarksville Fire Rescue Chief Mike Roberts to make sure that anyone who needs a place to get warm for a limited time be allowed to do so at any fire station in the City of Clarksville.”
Anyone who needs assistance, or who will likely need assistance, should contact the Old Fire House Day Shelter, located at 1498 Golf Club Lane. Offices there are open until 4:30pm daily. For shelter needs that arise after hours, please contact Buffalo Valley at 931.206.7608 for assistance.
“By working with these dedicated community partners, I am confident that anyone who seeks assistance will receive the help they need,” said Mayor McMillan. “I appreciate the efforts of everyone on our team for their cooperation and constant communication as we work to make sure that everyone in Clarksville is safe during the extreme cold.”