Choose Charles Smith Mayor Meet & Greet 6:30 to 7:30 p.m on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at Silke’s Old World Breads, 1214 College Street. Enjoy delicious refreshments and a chance to learn more about Judge Smith’s vision for our community!
Choose Charles Campaign Celebration – 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 5, at the Jaycees Building on Hwy. 48/13. Free barbecue from Squirrel’s BBQ, music by the Beagles, and drawings for two pairs of FREE 50-yard-line Titans tickets! Everyone is welcome! For more information, call Choose Charles Campaign Headquarters at 647.2323.
Got Questions? Get Answers! Mayoral candidate Judge Charles Smith will host a question-and-answer session specifically for residents of North Clarksville from 5 – 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct 16, at the First Federal Bank Community Room on Ft. Campbell Blvd. Light refreshments served.
For more information, call Cindy Chambers at 237.4518.