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HomeOpinionRecent storms deplete Red Cross funds

Recent storms deplete Red Cross funds

american_red_cross1.jpgThe Red Cross works on the front line of disaster, providing assistance to victims and to the firefighters, police and rescue workers responding to all forms of crisis. The February 5 storms that raked through Tennessee communities were no exception.

The Clarksville-Montgomery Chapter of the American Red Cross opened two service centers last week to assist people in the Indian Mound section and in Houston County, offering assistance with food, rent, clothing, household needs, medical assistance and temporary home repairs that allowed families to return to their homes. The costs add up, and the local chapter is feeling the economic pinch.

According to Linda McCoy, the chapter expenses have risen 17% while donations have fallen 13%, necessitating a plea for assistance from the community for both monetary donations and volunteer assistance. The local Red Cross chapter, which has only three paid positions, runs on a dedicated corps of trained volunteers and the financial support of the community.

Disaster can strike anywhere, anytime. Having been a fire survivor, I still have vivid memories of that white panel truck with the bold Red Cross on the side, parked in front of the charred ruin of my home. I remain grateful for their competent and efficient assistance and the grace with they provided assistance to my family.

Disaster teams respond on a moment’s notice to assist the people of our community and our region. They deserve our support. Please consider making a monetary donation or volunteering with this vital organization. You never know when disaster will land at your doorstep.

For more information, call Linda McCoy, 931-645-6401.


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