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HomeNewsLetter to Editor Update for Land Between the Lakes

Letter to Editor Update for Land Between the Lakes

Land Between the Lakes - LBLDear Editor,

As many know, Land Between the Lakes has experienced widespread wind and water damage.

It has been confirmed that the same storm that traveled through Marshall County on Wednesday, July 6th also crossed Land Between the Lakes.

It contained a tornado which touched down near Cravens Bay Campground, traveling along the ground for approximately a quarter mile before it went across Lake Barkley into Trigg County. The high winds impacted trees, open lands and other resources along its path.

Storm Damage July 2016 on FS RD 113 in Land Between The Lakes. (Doug Phelps)
Storm Damage July 2016 on FS RD 113 in Land Between The Lakes. (Doug Phelps)

This storm, and those that came before and after, have caused significant damage across the recreation area. We identified immediate needs and have addressed many of those as we completed phase one of our assessments.

Some areas will take longer to fix like the Homeplace 1850s Farm where powerful floodwaters moved picnic tables and dumpsters half-mile down the creek. We experienced floodwaters in excess of 12 feet in this area.

These past few days we focused on people and safety. We had campers trapped throughout our property. It took us almost 12 hours to free some of our campers.

You will be pleased to know that no one was hurt beyond minor scrapes and cuts. We hope to keep it that way.

These next few weeks we will operate on a more basic level than our visitors have come accustomed to seeing. We ask that people tread lightly on our back roads. We need to minimize the damage caused by the storms and 17” of rain we received since July 3rd.

We still have to evaluate many of our trails and backcountry areas due tree and high water damage. Some of our day use facilities will remain closed until we repair the damage.

We will keep everyone updated on our website’s Alerts page at www.landbetweenthelakes.us/alerts-notices/. We will be posting photos of the damage and our work in our social media accounts including Flickr at www.flickr.com/photos/lblkytn/albums. You can access those accounts from our website.

Thank you for your patience while we work to bring your recreation area back to a clean and safe environment. Please remember, if you see something – say something.

Best regards,

Tina Tilley


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