Austin Peay State University (APSU)
Clarksville, TN – For the 24th year, Austin Peay State University students and faculty will read their poetry and fiction on the Monday before Thanksgiving in an effort to raise money for the school’s Save Our Students Food Pantry, which supports students and faculty in need.

The Bread and Words reading will be 6:00pm November 19th, 2018 in the APSU Morgan University Center Ballroom.
The evening will begin with soups and breads made by faculty and staff. Then Tara Best, Nick Broadway, John Carney, Arizona Hurn, Olivia Pridemore, Amalia Wills and Stephanie Dugger will perform the readings.
A recommended donation of $5.00 is requested at the door, and all proceeds go to the food bank.
For more information about the benefit, contact Barry Kitterman in the APSU Department of Languages and Literature at