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HomeNewsClarksville-Montgomery County Mayors issue orders Limiting Activity

Clarksville-Montgomery County Mayors issue orders Limiting Activity

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett and Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts announced Monday coordinated executive orders directing residents in Clarksville-Montgomery County to limit the size of social gatherings and restrict certain business operations.

The orders declare a Civil Emergency, expanding actions taken earlier by both mayors to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic by limiting gatherings and in-person contact.

Clarksville-Montgomery County declares Civil Emergency declared to fight spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Clarksville-Montgomery County declares Civil Emergency declared to fight spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

“Many of you have already closed or altered your businesses to support these actions, and we are very grateful,” the mayors said in a joint statement. “This is an extremely difficult time for our County and City, especially for the business community. We are taking these steps because the sooner we stop the spread of the coronavirus, the sooner we can all get back to business.”

Mayor Durrett issued his order Monday afternoon, as did Mayor Pitts after it was approved by the Clarksville City Council. The orders take effect at 12:01am on Wednesday, March 25th, and shall remain in effect until 12:01am on April 1st, 2020, at which time the orders can be extended in seven day increments.

Here is an overview of the coordinated orders, which incorporate all of the provisions of Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s executive orders 16 and 17, which he issued Sunday, March 22nd.

In some cases, the local executives add provisions beyond what Governor Lee ordered:

  • Social gatherings of 10 or more people are prohibited. In businesses, buildings and facilities that have a per person legal maximum occupancy of 50 persons or less, occupancy shall be temporarily reduced to 10, and those businesses, buildings, facilities that have a legal maximum occupancy of 51 persons or more, shall be temporarily reduced by one-half of their legal maximum occupancy.
  • Restaurants, bars, and similar food and drink establishments are to exclusively offer drive-through, take-out or delivery options.
  • Restaurants, bars, and similar food and drink establishments may sell alcohol by take-out or delivery (with the purchase of food) in closed containers to those who are age 21 and up.
  • Gyms and fitness/exercise centers or substantially similar facilities are to temporarily close and suspend in-person services.
  • The mayors’ orders also close movie theaters, performing arts theaters, yoga studios, dance studios, bowling alleys and arcades.
  • The mayors’ orders close to public access the common area or public space of indoor or enclosed shopping malls.



The orders, also in line with Governor Lee’s order, pursue additional measures to keep vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those with underlying conditions safe.

  • Visitation to nursing homes, retirement homes, and long-term care or assisted-living facilities is limited to visits involving essential care only.
  • Businesses are encouraged to enact policies that take extra steps to assist vulnerable populations by considering measures such as shopping hours exclusive from the general public.

The mayors’ orders also direct City and County department heads to be proactive and are authorized to take any lawful action pertaining to their departments to effect and enforce the provisions of the orders for the purpose of preventing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease.

Both mayors’ orders stress that the restrictions do not apply to critical infrastructure as defined by Homeland Security — industries such as healthcare services, pharmaceutical, food supply, utilities, information technology and public safety.

In related decisions apart from the formal orders, County and City park open spaces will remain open, while facilities such as recreation centers are closed. Citizens using such public open spaces should adhere to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on social distancing and hand hygiene, remaining 6 feet apart.

For information on the state and national response to coronavirus (COVID-19) and updates on working together to reduce infections, visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html and www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov.html

Montgomery County executive order: www.mocogovtn.org/storage/departments/government/covid19/eo2.pdf

City of Clarksville executive order: www.cityofclarksville.com/DocumentCenter/View/4599/City-Mayoral-Executive-Order-02

Tennessee Governor Lee’s orders: https://sos.tn.gov/products/division-publications/executive-orders-governor-bill-lee


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