We all know the next target in George Bush’s drive to trigger the Biblical Apocalypse is to invade Iran. Never mind the fact that we still haven’t won in Afghanistan. Never mind that we are slowly but surely being driven from Iraq by sheer attrition. The British have already announced plans to remove many of their troops from combat in Iraq by the end of 2007.
So is this the next thing in military recruiting?
Faux news: They report, You decide. LOL
But seriously if Bush launches an invasion of Iran the only choice they will have is to re-institute the draft. Once again the children of the poor will be sent to fight and die for our country while the children of the rich and powerful will be given deferments or cushy appointments to the national guard which they can proceed to go awol from. Yes if your family is rich enough and has the right connections, you too can be a deserter. Just like our current commander in chief was during Vietnam.
We know about the lack of proper body armor, the fact that they are putting troops in unarmored Humvee’s, and now they are not even providing enough rifles, night vision googles, mortars, and howitzers.
The Pentagon is planning to send more than 14,000 National Guard troops back to Iraq next year, shortening their off-duty time to meet the demands of President Bush’s buildup, Defense Department officials said Wednesday….
“We’re behind the power curve, and we can’t piddle around,” Maj. Gen. Harry M. Wyatt III, commander of the Oklahoma National Guard, said in an interview. He added that one-third of his soldiers lacked the M-4 rifles preferred by active duty soldiers and that there were also shortfalls in night vision goggles and other equipment….
Capt. Christopher Heathscott, a spokesman for the Arkansas National Guard, said the state’s 39th Brigade Combat Team was 600 rifles short for its 3,500 soldiers and also lacked its full arsenal of mortars and howitzers. – Quote from America blog, thanks John!
If you read the progressive sites and/or mainstream news sites you will see that the military is not even taking care of those who are maimed or wounded while serving our nation. The headlines are myriad.
- Woman says she’s Iraq vet, leg cut off in accident, military won’t give her a dime
- Problems at Walter Reed exposed by Salon.com two years ago
- Bush: Turning His Back on Soldiers at Home and Abroad
- Military amputee uninvited from Bush event because the press would see him with no legs
- Tony Snow says Bush “certainly was aware” of conditions at Walter Reed Building 18
- Snow Backtracks, Now Claims Bush Didn’t Know Of Walter Reed Neglect
- Democrats spring to action to help soldiers at Walter Reed
- Hiding the Bodies
- Congress responds to Walter Reed report
- The Forgotten
- Overlooked: Army Times on the Wounded
- Senators Obama (D-IL) and McCaskill (D-MO) will introduce legislation to fix Walter Reed mess
- House Rules Committee Chair Louise Slaughter writes Pentagon, demanding answers on Walter Reed vets scandal
- Walteer Reed says Washington Post article is a lie
- White House says Walter Reed abuse not their responsibility
- American Legion silent on new Walter Reed abuses
- Senior Walter Reed official under investigation because of Wash Post investigation
- Army now claims it’s fixing Walter Reed mess, kind of
- Pentagon hid 1/2 of Iraq injured and wounded
- The long-term costs of providing veterans’ benefits after Iraq and Afghanistan
- The U.S. is poorly equipped to care for the tens of thousands of soldiers injured in Iraq
- Novak: House GOP fired Veterans-friendly committee chair in order to “save money
- Military doc says health care staff unqualified
- VA faces backlog of 600,000 disability compensation claims
- Concerns Mount Over Waiting Lists at Vets Mental Health Centers
- Almost 100 VA clinics ‘provided virtually no mental health care in 2005
- VA health care providers don’t know how to treat PTSD
- Iraq war vets trying to kill themselves
- Veterans Affairs to end some medical research after computer data breach
- Understaffed vets clinic cancels appointments
- More Walter Reed horror stories
- Bush budget will cut health care for vets
- Fire Maj. Gen. Weightman
- More horror stories from Walter Reed
- Soldiers face neglect at Walter Reed
I think you get the point by now. This is an indication of how Republicans really support our troops. Consider just one of the many reasons why we need to bring our troops home now!