Clarksville, TN – The next Flying High is set for August 24th, 2024, with a Dinner Club theme. Recently, past and present organizers of the Customs House Museum’s premier annual event decided it was time for a little party to celebrate 40 years of success.
The Museum’s Channing Grimes was joined by present Guild Chair Christina Clark, one of the event progenitors Dee Boaz, and a couple of dozen long-time museum supporters. Boaz said, “When the museum started, Ann Marie Crozier, her mother Jean Gilbert, and Rachel Cotham, and I knew the museum needed something to help get it going. Jean said, ‘Why not throw a party? Everyone loves a party.’”
“Dee has been gracious enough to host us, and LaRae Davenport and Ann Marie have done such a great job of putting all this together,” Grimes said. “And Jim Vickers and Brian Schafer did this amazing catering for us.”
Museum director Frank Lott shared some memories and thanked the Guild for its important role and continuing support. “This has been an amazing ride these last 40 years,” Lott said. “I remember standing on the street the day they cut the ribbon on the museum in 1984. I told my wife Patti, my girlfriend at the time, that I wanted to be part of this. Being the Executive Director has been the thrill of my life. All of you have been just as dedicated as I have, and that’s exceptional.”