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HomeEventsTWRA to sponsor "Shoot For The Soldiers" Sporting Clay Event

TWRA to sponsor “Shoot For The Soldiers” Sporting Clay Event

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency - TWRANashville, TN – The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will serve as one of the sponsors for “Shoot for the Soldiers,” a sporting clay target shoot scheduled for August 24th at the Nashville Gun Club.

The event will raise funds with all the proceeds going to Tennessee soldiers and their families. A portion will go toward scholarships for soldiers’ children with the remainder going to providing outdoors recreational opportunities for Wounded Warriors and their families.

“Shoot for the Soldiers” will use a five-person format team format. Teams can be made up of male, female, youth, pro-class shooters or a combination. A sporting clay professional will handle the scoring. Ammunition will be provided.

Cost for the event is divided into different levels. A $5,000 Platinum Sponsorship pays for a 5-person team, a company logo on all event printed materials, and a sign at a shooting station. A $1,200 Gold Sponsorship is the cost for a corporate team or will provide entry for a Wounded Warrior team.

A Bronze Sponsorship is $300.00 and provides signage at a shooting station. The cost for an individual shooter is $250.00.

Shooters may choose range times of 8:30:00am or 11:30am on a first come, first serve basis. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Along with the TWRA, other sponsors are the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation, the National Wild Turkey Federation Wheelin’ Sportsmen, the Tennessee Valley Authority Veterans Association, and ORCA.

More information on the event can be obtained by calling 615.308.8115. Registrations can be mailed to the TWRF at 5000 Linbar Drive, Suite 275, Nashville, TN or faxed to 615.831.8031.


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