Clarksville, TN -With the Memorial Day weekend behind us, I guess we can focus on summer and all that it brings with it. Specifically, good weather. The kind of weather that allows us plenty of “seat” time on our bikes.
Up to now, it’s been a crapshoot.
Here in my neck of the woods, it seemed as though we went from winter straight to summer, without a hint of spring. If you wanted to enjoy some time on your motorcycle, the best time of the day was in the morning, before the heat wave moved in.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE early morning bike rides. I’ve always been a morning person and it’s no problem for me to saddle up and grab a cup of coffee and hit the road. When I travel, I love to take off about 4am, when it’s cooler, then watch the sun come up on the back of my Harley.
Here in middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky, where I ride most often, we have weather that’s as close to dyslexic as anything could be. Cool mornings, steamy hot afternoons, and the daily routine of “pop up” showers. Some of those showers can be brutal. If I find myself many miles from home, this can be a real problem
When I first started this journey, I avoided the rain like the plague. I would plan my trips around good weather, without much of a chance for rain. I was a sissy about it. I just wasn’t ready to deal with it.
Last year, I spent a weekend in the Smokies and on our return trip home, we encountered some serious storms. As we approached the darkening clouds, I kept wondering when my partner was going to pull over so we could put on our rainsuits. I had to pull up beside him and motion to him to pull over so I could at least get mine on.
It’s not that I’m intimidated by the rain, (ok, just a little), I just can’t see very well in it. I don’t have a full face helmet, and my glasses fog up real bad and it’s dangerous.
I borrowed a pair of glasses from my partner, put on the rain gear, and off we went. It was a glorious experience. I had done it, and it gave me confidence to face the rain and all that comes with it.
Lately it’s been a hit or miss on getting my daily wind therapy, because of the crazy weather. I like to think I can get out for a couple of hours and rev up the engine, (both mine and the Harley), and get home without too much trouble. I don’t think any of us plan on a day of riding when the weather sucks, but I’ve finally reached the point in my journey where it doesn’t matter.
It’s one thing to be on a trip and encounter bad weather, but I don’t think any of us “voluntarily” get out to get wet, but it happens.
Each step of this journey has been a learning experience. Things I’ve learned from my brothers I ride with and things I’ve learned from some of you who follow my blog.
I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
So I feel as though I’m gaining the type of confidence I need to be a serious biker and not just someone learning his way around the neighborhood.
Rain or shine, I ride. I’m better prepared for the bad weather and my skills have improved to the point that I don’t think I would put myself in harms way.
I love this experience and as I’ve said before, if I could live forever, I would ride forever.
Thanks for coming along!