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HomeBusinessArcadia Senior Living becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

Arcadia Senior Living becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification ProgramMontgomery County, TN – The latest local business to join the Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program is Arcadia Senior Living. A green ribbon cutting was held on August 26th, 2019 to celebrate its achievement. The ribbon cutting was attended by Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts, Program Manager Carlye Sommers and Program Board Members Daryl Pater, Gene Fish, Doug Jones and Melinda Shepard.

Arcadia is the first senior living facility to join the Green Certification Program. Jackie Stone, Executive Director and her staff have worked to create a sustainable building that promotes sustainability not only with staff but also with residents. Common areas of the facility are 95% LED lit and the majority include occupancy sensors.

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Ribbon Cutting ceremony for Arcadia Senior Living.
Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Ribbon Cutting ceremony for Arcadia Senior Living.

Residents are encouraged to use LEDs in living areas as well. Faucets and toilets throughout the property are low flow and Arcadia considers sustainability in its product purchases by selecting dye free paper towels and using green cleaning products.

Their efforts continue outside the building with maintenance staff adjusting mow times to reduce emissions during prime ozone producing hours.

Ms. Stone told the ribbon cutting attendees that “Arcadia strives to be a leader in environmental stewardship and promoting that to our staff and residents. We’re looking forward to expanding our efforts and already have additional initiatives we plan to undertake.”

In addition to becoming Green Certified, Arcadia also reached the silver level of the Green Certification Program. The Program offers four levels: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Organizations obtain points based on the sustainable practices they have in place.

The final point total indicates the level they have level achieved. Organizations complete the point system at the end of the certification process and, if they choose, every two years during recertification. Arcadia is the first organization to achieve silver level during the initial certification process.

“This really shows the great commitment that Arcadia has for the community and its residents. I’m excited to have them joining the Program.” Ms. Sommers stated.


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