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HomeNews101st Sustainment Brigade holds Change of Command at Fort Campbell

101st Sustainment Brigade holds Change of Command at Fort Campbell

Written by Sgt. Sinthia Rosario
101st Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs

101st Sustainment Brigade - LifelinersFort Campbell KY - 101st Airborne Division

Fort Campbell, KY – Col. Charles R. Hamilton relinquished command of the 101st Sustainment Brigade “Lifeliners,” 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), to Col. Kimberly J. Daub during a change of command ceremony, June 10th, 2014.

The passing of the Lifeliner colors was facilitated by the 101st Airborne Division (AASLT) commander, Maj. Gen. James C. McConville, on the historic 101st Airborne Division (AASLT) parade field.

Maj. Gen. James C. McConville (right), commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), passes the unit colors to Col. Kimberly J. Daub (left), incoming commander of the 101st Sustainment Brigade "Lifeliners," 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) during a change of command ceremony June 10, 2014, at Fort Campbell, Ky. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Mary Rose Mittlesteadt, 101st Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs)
Maj. Gen. James C. McConville (right), commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), passes the unit colors to Col. Kimberly J. Daub (left), incoming commander of the 101st Sustainment Brigade “Lifeliners,” 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) during a change of command ceremony June 10, 2014, at Fort Campbell, Ky. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Mary Rose Mittlesteadt, 101st Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs)

In keeping with the highest of military tradition, the passing of the unit colors is not only an opportunity to honor the lineage of the unit, but to recognize the accomplishments of the outgoing commander.

The 101st Sustainment Brigade’s command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Ian C. Griffin, unseated the colors from the color bearer and handed them to Hamilton to symbolize his last act of allegiance as the senior advisor to the outgoing commander. Hamilton then passed the colors to McConville, signifying the return of the command that was entrusted upon him. McConville then passed the colors to Daub, demonstrating his confidence in her ability to handle the responsibility of command. Lastly, Daub passed the unit colors back to Griffin completing the traditional passing of colors to demonstrate her first act as the 101st Sustainment Brigade commander.

McConville then spoke of the importance of the Lifeliner brigade by saying, “when we were in Afghanistan I always like to tell my commanders that logistics were too important to be left to just logisticians.”

He added that logistical commanders “are commanders of business. They say amateurs like to talk about tactics, but professionals talk about logistics.”

During Hamilton’s tenure he deployed the brigade headquarters to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, completing more than 400 missions on the Afghan roads where they drove more than 70,000 miles to deliver commodities to service members and then to transport items back to larger military bases to be redeployed and retrograded from the country.

McConville added without hesitation that Hamilton’s team’s success was a “job well done, a job extremely well done. You and your Soldiers have proved yourselves in combat and have added chapters to the proud legacy of this brigade.”

Then he gave a warm air assault welcome to the incoming brigade commander. “She is one of the top logistician leaders and served most recently as the division chief for Afghanistan retrograde on the joint staff, which is no easy task.”

Hamilton addressed guests and the Lifeliner formation to give thanks to those who have supported him throughout his time and even preceding his command. His final words to his troops included a heartfelt thank you. “You set the standard for all Soldiers and inspired me each day and night.”

After Hamilton completed his remarks, Daub took to the lectern to address her brigade, “I stand here today committed to training our Soldiers, growing our leaders for the next generation, and certifying units to deploy.”

She added that as a team the Lifeliner brigade will be prepared when called upon and be ready to execute any mission.

McConville closed with remarks to Daub by saying, “I have complete confidence in your ability to take the guidon today and prepare and lead this great brigade on its next rendezvous with destiny.”

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